SheOlogy Beauty Bar

We are dedicated to helping  people feel and look their best! We specialize in Sugaring Hair Removal, Vajacials, Customized Facials, Eyelash Extensions, Lash Lifts and Brow Shaping, Lash and Brow Enhancements.

What is sugaring?

Sugar paste is made with only 3 natural ingredients, water, lemon and sugar.  The sugar paste is edible and chemical free.  It is safe for all skin types and all areas of the body. The sugar paste is applied opposite of hair growth making it seep into the hair follicle; the hair is then removed in the same direction of natural hair growth causing less irritation to the skin and follicle. Another benefit from sugaring is there is absolutely no hair breakage.  Sugar only adheres to the hair and dead skin cells which leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth.  Hair is removed at the first stage of hair growth which means hair doesn’t have to be as long as it would be if you were waxing.  When hair is removed at the first stage of hair growth it prolongs the process of the hair re-growing which means longer times between appointments and which will weaken the hair follicle and cause less hair to grow in and not as thick.

What is a Vajacial?

Lets face it, sometimes some of us have scarring due to bad wax jobs, ingrown hairs or sometimes it happens naturally due to our skin types.  Our vagacials help reverse any scars and/or pigmentation.  Vagacials are also a great way to maintain healthy beautiful skin!